Your Patient Journey

patient journey

Patient Journey with the best experience

Whether you are seeking to improve your skin health, signs of ageing or body confidence, we are here to ensure you get the most from your treatments with us.


Firstly, we advise new patients to book a consultation before scheduling any treatments. During the consultation, our practitioner will, moreover, define your treatment goals and subsequently develop a customized treatment plan. As a result, this ensures you get the most out of your treatments with us.

Additionally, you can book consultation appointments on our website, over the phone, or via email.

We require a £50 deposit for all appointments. This deposit can be redeemed toward the cost of treatment or refunded if, furthermore, you provide at least 48 hours notice for cancellation or rescheduling.

patient journey
Dermal Fillers


The practitioner will provide you with the latest knowledge so that you feel empowered to make the right choice for you. During our consultation, we will discuss aspects of physiology, research, best practice guidelines and our expert experience in the field.

We will also provide you with an individual treatment plan and information about each treatment. 


We deliver safe and effective treatments to all our patients, and focus on providing our patients with appropriate information that will help them make an informed decision about their treatment. Prior to your appointment with us, you will receive email information about the treatment you are booking.

Your practitioner will then talk you through this treatment and answer any questions you may have. 


These photographs are kept in your confidential file and are not used for marketing purposes. Furthermore, the photographs that we take along your treatment journey serve as a useful tool in assessing the effectiveness of treatment. If you would like a copy of your treatment photographs, please email us at “” and we will be happy to send them to you.

In addition, in certain cases, patients may be happy for us to film or photograph parts of their treatment for use on social media, on our website, or as part of our clinic marketing materials.

patient journey

After Care

We will support you throughout your entire treatment journey with us. From the moment you walk through our doors, we are committed to ensuring you feel comfortable and well-informed. Before your treatment begins, we will discuss your goals and expectations, ensuring a personalized approach tailored to your needs.

After your treatment, we provide you with useful information on how to care for the treated area. This includes detailed guidelines and tips to help you achieve the best possible results. Additionally, we will follow up with you regularly to monitor your progress and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Furthermore, we offer flexible and comprehensive follow-up care, including in-person check-ups and virtual consultations. Whether you need additional advice or simply want to update us on your recovery, we are always here for you.

Moreover, our team is available to provide ongoing support and guidance, helping you maintain the benefits of your treatment long after you leave our clinic. We believe in building a lasting relationship with our patients, and we are dedicated to being a part of your journey to better health and wellness.

Ready to book an appointment with us?

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